One of the most important – yet often overlooked – aspects of office health is paperwork hygiene. Paperwork can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses if not disinfected properly on a regular basis. In this blog post, we will discuss disinfecting paperwork to keep your office healthy!
What is Paperwork Hygiene?
Paperwork hygiene is the process of disinfecting and cleaning paper documents and materials to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses. It is an important part of office health, as paperwork can easily become a breeding ground for contaminants if not cleaned properly.
Why is Paperwork Hygiene Important?
Paperwork hygiene is important for several reasons.
- Bacteria and viruses can easily spread through the pages of paper documents and materials.
- Paper documents and materials can easily become contaminated if they are not cleaned properly.
- Paperwork can be a source of allergens and other irritants that can cause health problems for people with allergies or asthma.
- Paper documents and materials can also harbor mold and other fungi that can cause health problems.
Tips for Disinfecting Paperwork
There are several things you can do to disinfect your paperwork and keep your office healthy:
Wash Hands
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling paper documents or materials. This will help to remove any bacteria or viruses that may be on your hands. Frequent handwashing hands is often one of the very best safety precautions to support disease control.
Washing your hands is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself from getting sick. Make sure to wet your hands, add soap, and scrub them for at least 20 seconds. Be sure to get under your nails and around your wrists. Rinse off the soap and dry your hands thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.
When soap and water is not available, be sure to use an alcohol based hand sanitizer to kill germs, viruses, bacteria and other microbes on your hands.
Dust Off Your Docs
Use a clean, dry cloth to dust paper documents and paper-based materials. This will help to remove any dirt, dust, or other contaminants that may be on the surface of the paper. A damp cloth is a bad idea due to residual moisture left behind that may foster bacteria.
Use Surface Disinfection Wipes
Disinfectant wipes are a quick and easy way to disinfect paper documents and materials. Simply wipe down the surface of the paper with a disinfectant wipe to kill any bacteria or viruses that may be present.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging of the wipes you use, as some products may require you to let them sit for a certain amount of time before wiping them off.
Use Rubbing Alcohol or Surface Disinfectant
Rubbing alcohol is an effective way to disinfect paper documents and materials. Simply apply rubbing alcohol to a clean, dry cloth and wipe down the surface of the paper. The Common Sense surface disinfectant creates a coating that forms a protective surface with a chemical structure similar to a “bed of spikes” that destroys the microorganism’s before they can cause harm.
UV Light
UV light is a powerful tool that can be used to disinfect paper documents and materials. Simply place the paper in direct sunlight for a period of time, or expose a ultraviolet-C (UVC) lamps to the surface of the paper.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging of the product you use, as some products may require you to let them sit for a certain amount of time before exposure to UV light. Be safe! Direct UVC exposure to human skin or eyes may cause injuries, avoid exposure to skin and eyes.
Sanitize After
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to disinfect your hands after handling paper documents or materials. This will help to remove any bacteria or viruses that may be on your hands.
Document Storage
Store paper documents and materials in a clean, dry place. If you don’t have an office, designate a specific area in your home for work materials. Keep this area clean and free of clutter. Wipe down surfaces regularly with a disinfectant.
If you must share documents or other materials with others, do so electronically whenever possible. If you must print documents, use a clean printer and avoid touching the printed surface. If you must handle printed materials, wear gloves to minimize contact. Store printed materials in a sealed container until they can be properly filed away.
Tips for Keeping Your Office Healthy
In addition to practicing good hygiene, there are several things you can do to keep your office healthy:
Clean Surfaces
Wipe down surfaces such as desks, chairs, door handles, and light switches with a long lasting surface disinfectant on a regular basis. This will help to remove any bacteria or viruses that may be present.
Encourage Hand Washing
Encourage employees and customers to wash their hands regularly. Place hand sanitizer in strategic locations around the office for people to use. Put up signs reminding people to wash their hands.
Provide Disposable Products
Make disposable products such as paper towels, tissues, and garbage bags available in the office for people to use. This will help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses.
Avoid Sick People
If you have a sick person in the office, encourage them to stay home for the recommended quarantine period. The quarantine may be different depending on the illness and germs present.
The CDC recommends people with COVID-19 should isolate for 5 days and if they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), follow that by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others to minimize the risk of infecting people they encounter. Find more information on the CDC’s website HERE.
Tips for Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Office
Cleaning and disinfecting your office on a regular basis is important for preventing the spread of illness.
Here are some tips for doing so:
- Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to clean carpets, floors, and upholstered furniture.
- Wipe down hard surfaces such as desks, chairs, door handles, and light switches with a surface disinfectant.
- Sanitize all phones, keyboards, mice, and other computer equipment.
- Empty garbage cans regularly and dispose of trash properly.
- Clean and disinfect restrooms on a regular basis.
- Clean and disinfect breakrooms and ensure food is stored in air-tight containers.
One of the best ways to ensure these tips are followed on a regular basis is to hire a service. A professional cleaning service will have the knowledge and experience to properly clean and disinfect your office. They will also have the proper equipment to do so.
Hiring a professional cleaning service is an investment in the health of your employees and customers. It is also an investment in the long-term success of your business. This will minimize contact time with germs for all members of the office.
Sanitizing Services For Your Office Or Workplace
Ensuring a healthy office space is vital for the wellness of your staff and clientele. Implementing the sanitization process in office spaces, as outlined in this article, can significantly help in keeping your workspace clean and devoid of harmful microbes. High touch surfaces and soft surfaces alike should be given special attention, using appropriate cleaning products to disinfect the office space effectively.
If you’re unsure about anything or need further guidance on how to keep your entire office space clean and safe, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always ready and willing to assist. Remember, a clean office is a healthy office, and we’re here to help you achieve that!
Handle Commercial Sanitizing Easily With Common Sense
Call 609-709-7988 or Contact Us Now
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I sanitize my phone and tablet touch screens?
A: Yes, you should sanitize your phone and tablet touch screens on a regular basis. Use a disinfectant wipe or alcohol-based cleaner to do so. A water-based cleaner is more prone to damage electronic devices.
Q: What are good disinfecting products?
A: There are many different disinfecting products on the market. Common Sense surface disinfectant is long lasting and effective at killing germs, viruses, bacteria, mold and fugus and keeping it away. It creates a coating that creates a surface that acts like a bed of spikes, destroying microbes before they can cause harm.
Q: Are library books sanitary?
A: Library books are typically sanitary, but it is always a good idea to wipe them down with a disinfectant before you check them out. This will help to remove any bacteria or viruses that may be present. You can also place a book in a plastic bag before you check it out to further protect yourself. Finally, wash your hands after you have returned a book to public libraries.
Q: Do UV lights cause UV radiation?
A: Yes, UV lights do cause UV radiation. This is why it is important to use them safely and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. For example, you should not look directly into a UV light and you should avoid using them near flammable materials. Additionally, UV lights should not be used on people or animals. Finally, always turn off the UV light when you are finished using it.